iot courses offered at ISM UNIV

IoT courses offered by ISM UNIV

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IoT courses offered by ISM UNIV

IoT-Internet of Things is Technology emerged to change the world of machines and devices with the help of Internet. Today we should have nearly 60 billion connected devices in this world. This technology has changes the way we live and capable to providing solutions to new global challenges before us.

I am writing this to introduce IoT Technology and How ISM UNIV can help you to build skills on IoT.

Following are the topics dealt here:

  1. What is internet
  2. Who uses Internet
  3. What are the uses of Internet
  4. What is Internet is made up of
  5. Which Protocol is used in Internet
  6. What is IoT
  7. The Statistics
  8. IoT Architecture
  9. Parts of IoT
  10. IoT Protocols suit
  11. IoT Applications
  13. IoT Courses at ISM UNIV
  14. IoT Placements at ISM UNIV
  15. IoT Jobs
  16. IoT Job Opportunities



What is Internet ?

Internet can be described as “Network of Networks”, there exist tiny and small networks in this world and all such networks connected together constitutes Internet.

Every ISP ( Internet Service provider ) maintains networks to provide service to

  • An Individual person
  • a firm
  • an Organization
  • a Government

these organizations may maintain their own servers and data centers and all such entities connected together forms Internet.

uses Internet ?

People like us use Internet , those who possess smartphones , Laptops,PC’s use Internet

Our understanding was Internet is used by human beings, but this have changed now machine are capable of using Internet for building knowledge/intelligence and communicate between them.

What are the uses of Internet

We use internet for

  • To get information: A plenty of Information are available in internet, we collect them to enhance our knowledge to take better decision.
  • To Communicate with others : Internet provides Communication platforms such as textual communication such as Whatsapp , Email communication platform such as Gmail , Conferancing Platforms such as Zoom , using these platforms we can communicate with anyone under this internet landscape.
  • To get Services : today most of the services are offered online using Internet such as Banking services , Shopping services, Booking services, Mapping services and many…..
    Internet is the enabler of all such Online services.

What is Internet is made up of

Internet is made up of

  • Web Pages
  • Web servers
  • Apps ( Applications )
  • Databases

As a layman I would like to understand Internet is madeup of Webpages and Webservers. A webpage presents all information, provides the platforms for communication and becomes the point of Online services.

Web servers backend with large database engines to store data which can be retrieved and processed later. Database management systems like SQL, Oracle, Mongo DB, HDFS are used as database Engines.

Applications are deployed on servers to serve the client requirements, Application services can be free or paid. Most of the App services that you get from play stite are free and many are paid also.

Which Protocol is used in Internet

IP- Internet Protocol becomes the backbone of Internet, it’s a routing protocol which directs the data from source to destination. Currently we are enabled to use two versions of IP and they are IPv4 and IPv6.

TCP/IP and other allied protocols make IP protocol suit which are largely used to connect anyone or any device to Internet.


What is IoT

IoT stands for Internet of Things , if one must understand IoT we must attempt to understand the two words it is made up of one is Internet the other one is Things.

By now we have fair knowledge on Internet, Now what are these THINGS ?

Things means anything which can be connected to internet, today we can connect anything on Internet in-fact we can connect everything on Internet, here Anything & Everything is what is referred as THINGS.

IoT is all about connecting devises on Internet to achive Machine to Machine communication which may reduce human time on routine and easy decision to be taken, now with IoT technology we allow machine to think and take appropriate decisions.

The Statistics

As per the research done by renowned organization the statistics the industry spending on IoT grows to 411 billion by 2025. And the number of connected devices expected to raise to 75 billions by 2025.

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IoT Architecture

iot courses by ism univiot architecture
best iot courses by ismuniv

IoT Architecture consist of 4 blocks as shown above

  1. Things
  2. Local Network
  3. The Internet
  4. Bank-end Servers / Cloud

THINGS are made up of three entities:

First one being Sensors , which is a transduces used to collect data in representable form later may be converted into digital data using ADC.

There are sensors who provide analog data which requires Analog to Digital Converter to extract data in digital form to process them, whereas there are few sensors which may generate Digital Data directly.

Sensors are the means of Data Acquisition process, sensors like Temperature sensor , Humidity sensor, Speed Sensor, Pressure sensor, Audio sensor (mike) video sensor ( video camera ) are often used in projects.

Actuators are those devices which can execute some actions like a motor, Hydrolic machine, A switch, Electric machines , Electronic device etc…

The second part of THING is Processing unit Which would a microcontroller/microprocessor Embedded. An Embedded processor /system are used .

Third is the Communication link which can connect the Things to Network. The communication may be via NFC, Wifi, Wimax,Zigbee,3G/4G/5G among many such connectivity we use WIFI predominantly for various advantages that it exhibits.

The Local network

Things which are in a geographical area gets connected to form a local network and connect gateway to Internet.

Assume in our office all our phones get connected to WIFI router to form a local Network , then the WIFI router is connected to Internet via Gateway.

The Internet

Things essentially need to be connected to Internet to get the required service from Back-end servers.

Back end Servers / Cloud

Backend servers or Cloud Servers provide services which are required by THINGS like storage service, Database service, Computing services, Alert services , Email services, Triggers, LAMBDA and customized apps.

The Data Acquired by THING is pushed to cloud for processing and decision making since Internet servers are accessible anywhere we are able establish IoT network globally.

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IoT Careers Opportunity

IoT by itself is not an Industry by itself, it’s a Enabler technology which changes life. Yet, one of the first things that come to a student’s mind while selecting IoT careers path is the qualification and specialization needed for it. From that attitude, those are in particular the one of a kind verticals that one could put together for.

A new report has been generated by a new research “Top Strategic IoT Trends and technologies through 2023” states the 10 most impactful IoT Trends

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Infonomics and data broking
  • Shift from intelligent edge to intelligent mesh
  • IoT governance
  • Sensor Innovative
  • Social, legal and ethical IoT
  • Trusted hardware and OS.
  • latest IoT User experience
  • Innovative on the chip
  • New IoT wireless networking technologies

Opportunities in IoT

IoT Domain offers plenty of job opportunities as the volume of devices which need to be Developed , Manufactured & Maintained is very large.

Is IoT a good career idea?

A single decision today can affect your entire future, therefore, it is very important to know the benefits and challenges before deciding on a career path. With time, the world is evolving in every aspect especially in terms of technology.

The credit to our smarter and faster life goes to technology advancement. Among them, is the Internet of Things. IoT has made it possible for companies to collect data and analyze it to make better business decisions and offer the best services/products to the customers.

In this era, most businesses and organizations are operating online and are dependent on the data collected by IoT devices. Data collected by the Internet of Things is analyzed deeply to serve the clients properly. That is why the demand for IoT professionals and experts is increasing and are paid decent salaries from the beginning itself.

There is a bright career in the IoT industry for those who want to showcase their talent and help the companies serve better to the customers.

Different Types of IoT Jobs & Job Roles?

Millions of Job opportunities are waiting for talented and skillful people in the era of IoT. There are different types of job roles offered by the IoT industry, let’s have a quick look at where you can fit in the best.

  • Cloud Engineer – It is one of the job roles where a person needs to establish and deploy the middleware and NoSQL database to collect the data from the IoT devices.
  • Designer –CAD designers can help the IoT industry to better design the device such as wearables.
  • Material Specialist –People with this job role are good at understanding and finding which material should be used that can embed a sensor in it.
  • Embedded Engineer –These engineers are responsible for developing and implementing software of the embedded devices.
  • Network Engineer – Those who help in establishing a computing network or choosing a suitable gateway and more.
  • Data Scientist – They help in analyzing the collected data using in-memory computing or batch processing and converting it into useful information.
  • Data Visualization Expert –The task of these profiles is to present the information in a visual manner to make it more understandable.
  • UI Engineer –These people help in designing the easy and interactive user interface of the IoT devices.
  • Data Architect –Those who design the data model.
  • Instrument Engineers –They are responsible for handling actuators, sensors for the closed-loop system.
  • Test Engineers –Who test the functional aspects of IoT devices.
  • Programmer –Who programs the backend and integrates it with middleware and cloud databases.

What is the Pay Scale for IoT Jobs?

As discussed in the above sections, there are several job roles under IoT and for each job profile, the salaries may vary. So, here, we will discuss the salary trends of four major functional areas that command the IoT industry.

Salary Trends by Functional Areas

  • Application Programming – Rs 13 LPA
  • Engineering Design – Rs. 11.5 LPA
  • System Programming – Rs. 10 LPA
  • Embedded Technologies – Rs. 8.2 LPA

IoT Courses at ISM UNIV

ISM UNIV offers IoT Courses for Engineering Professionals and IT professionals which enables them Designing the complete IoT Project, The course trains from basics of IoT to design cases.
IoT Courses at ISM UNIV covers Designing THINGS, Interfacing Sensors, ESP32 , Node MCU, Arduino, Raspberry Pi , Cloud Connection , Designing LAMDA functions , MQTT, CoaP etc ..

IoT Courses offered at ISM UNIV has duration of 3 months and this course details can be obtained from

IoT Placements at ISM UNIV

ISM UNIV is associated with 150+  IoT Organizations who recruit our students, ISM UNIV provides all necessary skills and fine tuning training to make the student plug and play for the employers.
We provide Placements from Day-1 of the course. We assure placement services to all students who register for IoT courses at ISM UNIV.

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