IOT & Cloud Computing Using Python – IoT Training Institute Bangalore

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Advanced Diploma in IoT & Cloud Computing with Python (ADIoTCCP) – IoT Training Institute Bangalore

ISM UNIV – IoT Training Institute Bangalore, IoT Training Institute Hyderabad: The IOT Training Institute Bangalore (IoT) refers to the use of intelligently connected devices and systems to leverage data gathered by embedded sensors and actuators in machines and other physical objects. IoT Training Institute, IoT is expected to spread rapidly over the coming years and this convergence will unleash a new dimension of services that improve the quality of life of consumers and productivity of enterprises, unlocking an opportunity that the GSMA refers to as the ‘Connected Life’.

IOT Training Institute Bangalore
IOT Training Institute Bangalore

The IoT Training Institute Bangalore, Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly evolving There is a need to understand challenges in obtaining horizontal and vertical application balance and the key fundamentals required to attain the expected 50 billion connected devices in 2020.

This course is designed for Engineers having basic knowledge in C Programming to enable themselves to understand and Implement IoT Solutions.

Python Programming: Python has become the most widely used language across the Industry, Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Its high-level built-in data structures, combined with dynamic typing and dynamic binding, make it very attractive for Rapid Application Development, as well as for use as a scripting or glue language to connect existing components together. Python’s simple, easy to learn syntax emphasizes readability and therefore reduces the cost of program maintenance. Python supports modules and packages, which encourages program modularity and code reuse. The Python interpreter and the extensive standard library are available in source or binary form without charge for all major platforms and can be freely distributed.

IoT: Internet of Things is an unimaginably one of the best thing happened in our Generation This Technology converges all Networks like Education Network, Business Network, Earth Network, Transport Network, Satellite Network Together.

IoT, Internet of Things is taking a giant shape which may change our lifestyle and culture, how we live today and how we are going to live in the next 10 years from now are completely a new paradigm.

A thing is a data collection unit that consists of sensors, Embedded Processing Unit & communication link.

Internet of Things IoT is all about data collections by a remote device ( things ) and pumping them to the internet continuously without any human efforts and getting data services via Cloud servers.

Best IoT Training Institute:

ISM UNIV: Cloud Computing: Cloud computing is a computing infrastructure and software model for enabling ubiquitous access to shared pools of configurable resources (e.g., computer networks, servers, storage, applications, and services), which can be rapidly provisioned with minimal management effort, often over the Internet. Cloud computing allows users, and enterprises, with various computing capabilities to store and process data in either a privately-owned cloud or on a third-party server located in a data center in order to make data accessing mechanisms more efficient and reliable. Cloud computing relies on sharing of resources to achieve coherence and economy of scale, similar to a utility.

Advocates note that cloud computing allows companies to avoid, or minimize up-front infrastructure costs. As well, third party clouds enable organizations to focus on their core businesses instead of expending resources on computer infrastructure and maintenance. Proponents also claim that cloud computing allows enterprises to get their applications up and running faster, with improved manageability and less maintenance, and enables information technology (IT) teams to more rapidly adjust resources to meet fluctuating and unpredictable business demand. Cloud providers typically use a “pay as you go” model. This could lead to unexpectedly high charges if administrators are not familiarized with cloud pricing models.

Best IoT Architecture:

The thing in a geographical area gets connected together to form a Local Network my be via a wifi router or via any other wireless technologies like Zigbee, NFC, Wi-max 3g,4g, LTE, etc….

Then this local network connected to the Internet via Gateway of any ISP, once the local network is connected via Gateway all things are connected to the internet they are now enabled to pump data to the internet.

These data are stored or streamed on internet servers and can be processed according to the required application needs. These are usually performed by Cloud servers specialized for IoT Applications.

Today we have plenty of IoT Cloud platform to support billions of connected devices ( Things )

After IoT Training Bangalore and Hyderabad –  Jobs and Opportunities:

1.2 Lakh IoT jobs in India is emerging by 2021 ( in next 18 months), IoT business India is worth 15 billion US dollars, in rupees 78000 crores.

There are a variety of Job Opportunities in IoT Domain

  1. Professional Sensor & Actuator designers
  2. Embedded Programs developer
  3. Connectivity Engineers
  4. Software Engineers to develop Apps
  5. IoT Architects

ISM UNIV offers the course on Embedded Systems & IoT to prepare Engineers for this global opportunity in IoT Domain, this course comes with excellent placement services, Interested candidates may contact

Embedded System: A Data Aquisition system is required to acquire & process data collected from Sensors, we use a tiny microcontroller system to perform this.

This system is essential to process the data acquired before coming into the Internet.

Communication Link: Things in a geographical area gets connected to form a local Network later need to be the gateway to the Internet , The Communication link could be NFC/Wifi/Wimax/Zigbee/3g/4g/LTE depends on range to be covered.

Above are the parts of a Thing of IoT.

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Certified course on EMBEDDED C PROGRAMMING

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1. Introduction to IoT

  • Evolution of the Internet
  • IoT for the general world
  • IoT for technology professionals
  • Technical know-how needed for IoT
  • Embedded Systems
  • What is open-source hardware?
  • Arduino
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Beaglebone
  • Intel Galileo
  • ESP8266

2. Sensors and Actuators

  • Sensors
  • Motors
  • Actuator
  • Solenoid valves
  • Power adapters
  • Shields

3. Raspberry Pi

  • Making essential connections
  • Booting up the Raspberry Pi
  • Running simple programs
  • Using Serial Ports & USB
  • Connecting Sensors
  • Connecting Actuators
  • Programming The Drivers for Sensors and Actuators
  • Connecting to the Internet via Wifi

4. Arduino

  • Using Arduino IDE
  • Using IO Ports
  • Connecting Sensors
  • Connecting Actuators
  • Running Sample programs
  • Programming The Drivers for Sensors and Actuators
  • Connecting Arduino to Wifi and Internet

5. Python Programming

  • Introduction to Python
  • Getting Started
  • Language Basics
  • Functions
  • Collections
  • Modularisation of code
  • Regular Expressions
  • Files and Directories
  • Exception Handling
  • Object-Oriented Programming Basics

6. IoT Protocol Suite & Connectivity

  • IPv6
  • CoAP
  • MQTT
  • OMA-DM
  • LWM2M
  • Bluetooth
  • WiFi
  • Zigbee
  • NFC
  • Cellular 3G , 4G & LTE

7. Cloud Computing for IoT

  • What is Cloud Computing? Why it matters?
  • Traditional IT Infrastructure
  • Cloud Infrastructure and Cloud Advantage
  • Examples of Cloud Advantage
  • Cloud Companies
  • Examples of Cloud Services
  • Use Cases
  • Cloud Segments: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
  • Cloud Deployment Models
  • Cloud Security
  • Thingspeak cloud connectivity & Configuration
  • AWS IoT cloud Connectivity & Configuration
  • IBM Bluemix connectivity & Configuration

8. Developing an IoT Project

  • Setting up the development board – Arduino / Pi
  • Connecting required components
  • Setting up solution design
  • Cloud Connection & Configuration
  • Final implementation
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[/fusion_content_box][/fusion_content_boxes][/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Course Includes” icon=”fa-book-open fas”][fusion_progress height=”” text_position=”” show_percentage=”yes” unit=”%” percentage=”100″ filledcolor=”” filledbordersize=”” filledbordercolor=”” unfilledcolor=”” striped=”yes” animated_stripes=”yes” textcolor=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””]Job Guarantee Program[/fusion_progress] [fusion_progress height=”” text_position=”” show_percentage=”yes” unit=”%” percentage=”70″ filledcolor=”#FFC0CB” filledbordersize=”” filledbordercolor=”” unfilledcolor=”” striped=”yes” animated_stripes=”yes” textcolor=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””]Instructor lead Training ( 416 hrs )[/fusion_progress] [fusion_progress height=”” text_position=”” show_percentage=”yes” unit=”%” percentage=”30″ filledcolor=”#0000FF” filledbordersize=”” filledbordercolor=”” unfilledcolor=”” striped=”yes” animated_stripes=”yes” textcolor=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””]Online training (104 hrs )[/fusion_progress] [fusion_progress height=”” text_position=”” show_percentage=”yes” unit=”%” percentage=”100″ filledcolor=”#228b22″ filledbordersize=”” filledbordercolor=”” unfilledcolor=”” striped=”yes” animated_stripes=”yes” textcolor=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””]Genuine Placements[/fusion_progress] [fusion_checklist icon=”fa-check fas” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=”#000000″ size=”18px” divider=”yes” divider_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””] [fusion_li_item icon=”fa-check-square fas”]Course Materials[/fusion_li_item] [fusion_li_item icon=”fa-check-square fas”]Certificate[/fusion_li_item] [/fusion_checklist][/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Value addition” icon=”fa-shield-alt fas”][fusion_checklist icon=”fa-check fas” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=”#000000″ size=”18px” divider=”yes” divider_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””] [fusion_li_item icon=”fa-check-square fas”]2 e-learning courses[/fusion_li_item][fusion_li_item icon=”fa-check-square fas”]Soft copy of all software used in the course[/fusion_li_item][fusion_li_item icon=”fa-check-square fas”]Access to E-library during course period
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1. Windriver Vxworks
2. Workbench 3.x
3. VxWorks Targets and Connections
4. VxWorks Events
5. VxWorks Shells
6. Debugging in Wind River Workbench
7. Real-Time Multitasking
8. Managing Projects in Wind River Workbench
9. Semaphores
10. Inter-task Communication
11. Memory
12. Real-Time Processes (RTPs)
13. Exceptions, Interrupts, and Timers
14. Error Detection and Reporting
15. System Viewer
16. Project
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IoT Internet of Things

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IoT Internet of Things

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IOT Training Institute Bangalore | IOT Training Institute Hyderabad

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  1. Internet of Things (IOT) Training Institute
  2. Python Programming Training Institute
  3. Certified Course on IOT Programming with Python
  4. Best python training Institute in Hyderabad
  5. Best python training Institute in Bangalore
  6. Best python training Institute in Bengaluru
  7. Best IOT Training Institute Center in Bangalore, Hyderabad:
  8. Best Python Programming Institute Center in Bangalore, Hyderabad
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