Embedded system and IoT domain – ISM UNIV

Embedded system and IoT domain 
becomes a natural choice for Electronic, Electrical and Instrumentation engineers ( EC/EEE/IE).

Embedded system and IoT domain becomes a natural choice for Electronic, Electrical and Instrumentation engineers ( EC/EEE/IE). The reason being that In embedded system and IoT domain we need to understand the architecture of hardware may be even the Schematic and then develop software for it, we need to understand the board architecture the device architecture and then program the device, which a Computer Science Engineer may not be able to do it. You are the perfect person perfect engineer who can do this

So, embedded system and IoT domain becomes natural & perfect career choice for Electrical, Electronic and Instrumentation Engineers, but you also can become an IT Software Engineer by learning new languages and tools, but Computer Science Engineers would also become your competitors.

In Embedded System & IoT domain the Computer Science Engineers would not become your competitors hence Embedded System and IoT becomes natural & perfect career choice for Electrical, Electronic and Instrumentation Engineers

I advise all Electrical, Electronic and Instrumentation Engineers develop a strong embedded system and IoT skills to explore the innovate and interesting career in EMBEDDED SYSTEM AND IOT DOMAIN.

Ad: ISM UNIV offers a course “ Master in Embedded Systems & IoT ” one of the most popular course at our Institution, This course prepares you as Embedded Engineer Who can develop Embedded & IoT Projects. ISM UNIV provides 100% Genuine Placements from Day1.


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