Recent Technologies 2022

If you’ve been looking for a career change in the IT field but not sure which career to pursue, you’ve landed at the right place! Welcome to ISM UNIV .

In the last 60 years, technology has advanced leaps and bounds. From a one ton machine which could store 3.5 MB data(IBM 350) to an SD card which can store 2 Terabytes of data and weighs only 2 grams, we have come a long way.

One thing which has remained constant throughout this time is change. Technologies change every 2-3 years and it is important for a professional who works in the technology space to keep themselves updated to climb up the career ladder fast!

Today, we are going to talk about the trending technologies in 2022, so let’s get started.

Artificial Intelligence – AI is playing a great role in medicine, manufacturing, education and Mobility. Some of the skills you need are Python Programming, Mathematics, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning.

Cloud Services – Cloud computing will be at the forefront of all technologies. For a successful career in cloud computing, you need to have knowledge of databases, programming, Linux, networking, and APIs.

Blockchain – Blockchain is one of the contemporary technologies with a bright future. Blockchain developers need to know concepts like cryptography, data structures, and computer networking

Cyber Security – The onset of the Covid 19 pandemic has served as a trigger for a rise in the number of cyberattacks across the globe. Hence, the field of cyber security holds paramount importance in today’s times. To work in this field, skills like knowledge of operating systems, networking, virtualization, and programming are beneficial.

Quantum Computing – Quantum computing is now a tool that’s changing the face of several industries. To learn Quantum computing, you need to know programming, mathematics, mechanics, scientific computing, and algorithms.

IoT – The Internet of things is fast becoming an integral part of our lives. The top-in-demand IoT skills are Machine learning & AI, Python & JavaScript, Big Data, and Node js.

5G networks – According to the GSM Association, by 2025 5G networks are estimated to have more than 1.7 billion subscribers across the globe. 5G will also enable significant advances in IoT and Virtual Reality

Big Data and Analytics – Big Data and Analytics allow you to store, process, analyze and make sense of vast amounts of data using cutting-edge technologies. Some of the skills required to master big data & analytics are Hadoop, SQL, Spark, Python, and Excel.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Augmented reality blends real-world elements with virtual ones whereas Virtual reality creates an environment that is fully virtual. Some of the must have skills for AR and VR are 3D modeling, Software development, and programming.

Robotics – Robotics is a significant industry that is gaining momentum with time. Some of the core robotics skills you need to possess are Python, MATLAB, problem solving, mathematics, and machine learning

Winding it up!

Among all the emerging technologies around us, the above-mentioned top 10 technologies offer us the brightest and the highest-paid career. These are the future of the technology world, and they have the power to impact job trends across the globe.

Get your hands dirty by choosing any one or all of them and have a bright career ahead!

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